Stream Clean-Up and Fishing Outing

On Saturday, May 1st 2021 Nebraska Trout Unlimited will host a Stream Clean-Up and Fishing event at the East Branch of Verdigre Creek in Knox County near Royal, Nebraska.  It’s been too long since we’ve gathered as a group and this is the perfect opportunity.

We will gather at 10:00 AM, Saturday, May 1, 2021, at the Grove Lake Trout Rearing Station, just North of the town of Royal (mile marker 338) on US Highway 20.  This is about 50 miles NW of Norfolk, NE.  Turn North from Hwy 20 at the county road just East of Royal and follow the signs to the Trout Rearing Station.  We will disburse to different areas of Verdigre Creek about 10:15 AM, to gather any paper, cans, glass, food wrappers, and other trash and meet back at the Grove Lake Trout Rearing Station to deposit the trash in containers at 11:30.  At 11:45 AM we will head for the town of Royal (about 2 miles away) and Nebraska Trout Unlimited will host lunch for our volunteers at Thirsty’s, the only Bar & Grill in Royal.  Following lunch, or before we meet in the morning, you are invited to enjoy fishing Verdigre Creek or Grove Lake…(Nebraska Fishing licenses are required)!

Verdigre Creek is the only Class A, cold-water stream in the Eastern part of Nebraska and features Brown, Rainbow and Cut-throat trout.  You are welcome to bring a friend, young or old, male or female, who is not presently a member of Nebraska Trout Unlimited…this is a good chance for member recruitment!  We only ask that you give us a heads-up so we know how many to plan for.  Please e-mail Gene Kathol at if you can make it.  Please put “Verdigre Creek Clean-up” in the Subject Line of your message.

We hope you can join us.

Gene Kathol
Vice President & Youth Education Coordinator
Nebraska Trout Unlimited (TU Chapter #710)